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Jaeseong Choe

Nerd Party

The Nerd Party is a public seminar which organized by some of my friends who used to calling themselves Nerds. The party has a form of standard seminar, but relatively more lighter and unformal atmosphere. There is the one big unwritten law in this party, that is, all of participants must have to do at least one nerdy joke. The party was fun, and I have talked about this topic.

MSquare Seminars

The MSquare is a student club at KAIST for talking about various mathematical topics. It run by undergraduate students who have an interest in mathematics, regardless of they are majoring mathematics or not. (Roughly speaking, about 40% of whole members are from other departments like Physics, CS, EE, etc.) At each semester, we organize internal seminars for members once a week, and each member can freely attends to it. I have some experiences that attend these seminars as a speaker, and the below list is my topics.